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10 Financial Planning Tips for Vacation Planning

IRS Reminds Car Shoppers about 2009 Tax Break

$1,600,000,000 (that's billion with a 'b')!!!

2010 Haitian Relief Charitable Contributions Deducted on 2009 Returns

2010 Health Reform - Individual Tax Changes Part IV

2010 Health Reform Legislation - Part III: Higher Taxes On High-Income Taxpayers

2010 Health Reform - Part II

2014 - What's Next?

2015 New Year Trends and You

2015 Taxes Are In - How Do I Save Next Year?

2016: Bull or Bear

$4 Million, is it really worth a 30 second commercial?

4 Reasons Why You Should Roll Over Your 401(k) into an Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

401(k) Balances Reach Record Levels!

401(k) Contributions – Here to Stay

401(k) Rollovers To Roth Accounts

5 Financial Mistakes Made During Divorce

5 things to consider before turning on your 401k faucet

6 Reasons You Should Consult Your Advisor During Major Life Changes

8 Financial Tips for Why You Should Have a Summer Financial Plan

8 Reasons Why You Should Open a Roth IRA for Your Child

A $258+ Billion Dollar Savings Option

A Big Lesson from Greece

A bit of inflation relief

A Busy Summer for Rochester

A Busy Week

A Cold Season

A Crude Awakening

A Difference of Opinion

A double whammy in NYS for high income taxpayers ?

A Federal Default? - Part 2

A Federal Default?

A few Estate Planning Tips:

A "Golden" Rule: Everything in Moderation

A Grain of Salt

A larger tax break if you have children in College

A Little Good News

A Local Marriage

A New Trend?

A News Feed with Commercials

A Not-So-Trivial Pursuit for Families this Holiday Season

A Note on Paint

A Penny

A Plan that Works

A Political Recession?

A Preferred Way of Thinking

A Tale of Two Anniversaries

A Tale of Two Kodaks

A tax cut for all......well, maybe...

A Tax-Free Investment, Too Good To Be True?

A Week of Mixed Signals

A Year Later.

A "Zero" Percent Tax Rate Can Also Have Some Bite!

About Google's Stock Split

Across the River

Act now for the energy tax credit.

Advice for the Royal Couple

Advisors for Millennials

Affordable Care Act Informational Seminar

Affordable Care Act


Aim for the Horizon

All Quiet on the Facebook Front

Aluminum and Chocolate

Am I Next to Retire? : A Boomer Question

Americans See a Favorable Nation

An Early Christmas for Investors: Tracking the History of Milestones

An Exercise in Heresy, and Other Ideas Not Found in Valuation Textbooks

An Investment Lesson: The Tortoise and The Hare

An IRA contribution after retirement??

An Objective Measure on Kodak

An Ounce of Prevention...

And Here's Our Other Team

And Nobody Notices? - Part 2

And Nobody Notices?

And Now a Word From The US Economy

And This, My Friends, Sums Up The Disaster of a Solution in Greece

Another "Are You Kidding Me?"

Answering a Question with a Question

Apple As An Income Stock

April Newsletter

Are Millennials Moochers?

Are my social security benefits taxable?

Are Some More "Equal" Than Others?

Are We Experts in You?

Are we in a Recession?

Are You in Control of Your Financial Decisions?

Are You In Love With Your Stocks?

Are you one of the 99 thousand?

Are You Prepared to Handle a Personal Financial Crisis?

Are You Ready To Retire? - Part 1 of 2

Are You Ready To Retire? - Part 2 of 2

As Good As It Gets?

BABA Black Sheep, Have You Any Wool?

Back to School Survival Tips: From Pre-K to College

Back to the Future

Back to Their Old Ways


Bankruptcy at Kodak? Brighton Securities is Taking Questions.

Bargain Hunting

Basic Math and the L.A. Dodgers

Bausch & Lomb - Managing the Transition

Be Prepared In Case You Are Suddenly Single

Bear Stearns & Greece, Lehman Bros & Spain

Beggar Thy Neighbor

Ben Bernanke


Beneficiary IRAs - Options When Dealing With the Loss of Your Spouse

Benefit of the Doubt

Bernanke vs. The Markets

Better Odds Than 1 of 64

Better, Slowly.

Biden Capital Gains Proposal Of 44.6% - What You Need to Know

Bigger and Better: Growth at Brighton Securities

Bipartisan Irresponsibility

Bitcoin - BEWARE!

Bitcoins, Currency of the Future?

Black Crude and the Silver Lining

Blink and You'd Miss It

Blocking & Tackling

Bonds or Bond Funds?

Book 'em.

Both Ways for the Banks?

Breaking News: Clowns Sent In.

Breaking Up: In Vogue Again on Wall Street

Brighton Securities 50th Anniversary Gala

Brighton Securities Names Jai Ramachandran as New Chief Executive Officer

Brighton Securities selected as one of WorkplaceDynamics' Top Workplaces

Brighton Securities Takes the Field.

Brighton Securities Welcomes New Board Member David Rusin

Brighton Securities...Experts in You

BSC in the News

Budgeting for the Year Ahead: Tips for Creating a Realistic Budget

Bugs Bunny Makes a Move

Building a Sound Financial Foundation.

Burger King and Tim Hortons--Just another Tax Strategy?

Business Ethics

Business owners - read this post!

Business Succession: Questions You Need to Ask

But Does It Feel Right? Why Relationship Building and Financial Planning Go Hand in Hand

Buy Low, Sell High

Buying Debt with Debt

Buying Premium Bonds? - Don't Forget to Vote!

Call Us on Our Meeting Conference Line

Can I use my IRA to buy my first house?

Can We See It From Here?

Capital confusion...

Capital Management

Capital One Is Buying Discover Financial for $35 Billion

Cash is King

Catching the Wave

Celebrating Our Acheivements

CEO's Opinion

Brighton Securities - Creating Brand You

Change Its Inevitable

Chump Change

Claiming Social Security: What's right for you?

Cloudy With a Chance of Better

Coal Fired.

Coca-Cola in the Congo: Looking ahead in the post-recession global economy

College Years: Debt, Value, Education

Coming soon, your very own Rosie the Robot - by Google?

Communication is Key

Compelling Reading

Congress Hard at Work

Consider converting your IRA to a ROTH in 2010

Consumer Confidence Expected to Rise as Gas Prices Fall

Cooler Heads


April 2020 Newsletter

Covid-19 Brighton Securities Proceedures

Covid-19 relief checks won't have to be repaid

Employer Sponsored Retirement Plans - What to do with your plan if you lose your job

Estate Planning: How We Can Help You Transfer Your Values Alongside Your Wealth

Frontier Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. What Does This Mean for You?

Here we are again

How to Stay 401(k) Smart in the COVID-19 Economy

Reviewing Rochester’s Public Companies

Social Security Changes & Adjustments

Tax Deadline Changes - What You Need To Know

Uncertainty Leads to Volatility.

Where are we now

Could Be Time for a Fall Harvest

Could You Use It In a Sentence?

Cows and Chickens: Xerox Deal Steams Ahead

Credit Card Debt Free - The Way to Be

Credit for Homebuyers who Trade Up/Trade Down

Crime and (Some) Punishment

Crime Czar

Crowd Funding vs. Fat Cats

Cut Your 2009 Tax Bill - Here's How


Darkest Before the Dawn - 3rd Quarter Newsletter 2022

Deadline looming for "Home Buyer" credits.

Dear Citigroup: Fire Your CEO

Dear Congress, Thanks....I Think.

Death of Corporate Pensions: So What?

Debt... Can it ever be a wise solution?

Deciphering NVIDIA's Earnings Report and the Surge in AI Stocks

Decisions, Decisions

Deductible investment expenses??

Despite Market Troubles, Dividend Payouts Hit a Record High in Q2

Diamond in the Rough

Did I Miss Something?

Did you Plan for Inflation?

Dividend-Paying Stocks: A Staple for Your Portfolio

Dividend-paying Stocks: A Staple for Your Portfolio

Dividends and Inflation

Do healthcare costs in retirement keep you up at night?

Do not choose Inaction

Do You Have Aging Parents? It's Time to Talk

Do your homework.

Does Money Really = Happiness?

Making Money in a Down Market

Dollar Cost Averaging vs. Lump Sum Investing

Dollars and Gold

Don't be a worry wart

Don't Forget!

Don't fumble the FAFSA

Don't Let Them Build My Car

Don't Panic and Keep Perspective

Don't Panic

Don't Put Your Eggs All in One Basket!

Don't Tell Esopus

Don't Underestimate Your Longevity

Dow 15,000

Dow beats 20,000…what about YOU?

Drawing from an outline.

Drumroll Please...

Early Distributions: Avoid when Possible

Earnings Calendar

Earnings News

Earnings Season Under Way

Eastman Kodak Shares

Eastman Kodak

Eating Apples, or Nothing Lasts Forever

Economic Purgatory

Email scam alert

Emergency Fund! YOU need one.

Emotionally Preparing for Retirement

Employment Thoughts

End of the World as We Know It?

End of the World, Part 4

End of the World Postponed

Energy's Swoon

Equality at Eastman Kodak

Equifax data breach… Should you be concerned?

Estate of confusion??

Estate of the union

Estate Tax Changes - Curiouser & Curiouser

Estate Taxes: Good New for 99% of Americans

Euro concerns

Everybody Panic!

Exiting Is Only The Beginning

Expanding Social Security Benefits?

Expected the unexpected

Experts in You Campaign Wins Telly Award!

Extreme, Severe, and Mild.

F is for Finances and Family

Facebook (the company) vs. Facebook (the stock)


Fall Newsletter 2019

Falling Gas Prices, More Spending.

Fast February.

Fear Itself

February Thaw

Fed Interest Rate Hikes and the Effects On Our Banking System

Federal Reserves Experiment

Filtering Out the Noise

Financial Independence

Financial Literacy Month

Financial Planning Advice for Our New Congress

Financial Resolutions – Learn How to Create, Start, and Set Actual Plan to Achieve Them In 3 Steps

Financial Retirement Planning: Navigating the Unknown

Financial Strategies for Women Investors

Financially Preparing for Divorce

First Clearing - Enroll for Online Account Access

First Time, Long Time

Fiscal Cliff Indeed

Five Bucks for Pakistan

Fives Rules to be Ready for Retirement

Flirting With 18,000.

Foreshadowing for Years.

Four Bucks a Gallon

Fraud alert!

Freddie Mac and Inverse Floaters: a love story

Free Lunch - Kodak's SIP, Fixed Income Fund

Friday Round-Up

Friday Roundup

Friday Roundup

Fun. Boring.

Gas and hot air

Generating Income - an Alternative Idea

Get It Together

Get ready for 2013

Get Rich Quick? Good Luck With That.

Gift of Time

Give Up on Perfect


Go Ahead: Default

Goldman Sachs

Good-bye 2022; Hello, New Financial YOU in 2023

Good News Bad News: Savings in your 20s

Good News!

Goodbye 2011

Goodbye, and Good Riddance!

Government Shutdown - What Does it Mean?

Greece and its Echoes

Greece, China, and Your Car.

Greece-ing the Wheels.

Greek Default = Lower Mortgage Rates

Ground Rule #1: Give Yourself a Raise

Ground Rule #1: Give Yourself a Raise

Ground Rule #10: Start

Ground Rule #10: Start

Ground Rule #2: Percents, Not Dollars!

Ground Rule #2: Percents, Not Dollars!

Ground Rule #8: Better Than a Crystal Ball

Ground Rule #3: Money in Your Pocket

Ground Rule #3: Money in Your Pocket

Ground Rule #4: Cash is Trash

Ground Rule #4: Cash is Trash

Ground Rule #5: Stay Away

Ground Rule #5: Stay Away

Ground Rule #6: Borrow Sensibly, If You Must

Ground Rule #6: Borrow Sensibly, If You Must

Ground Rule # 7: Do the Opposite

Ground Rule # 7: Do the Opposite

Ground Rule #8: Better Than a Crystal Ball

Ground Rule #9: Ignore This

Ground Rule #9: Ignore This

Growing For the Sake of Growth

Growth for Local Rochester Company


Gulfing in Good Weather,

Hail to the Chief

Happy Birthday, Bull Market!

Happy Cyber Monday

Happy Holidays! Let's Review 2014.

Happy New Year

Harvard vs. Hartwick: The Economics of College Tuition

Have a Flexible Game Plan

Have You Recently Changed Jobs? US Economy Adds More Than 500,000 Jobs In July.

Heading North: Interest Rates

Hedge Your Bets

Hello 2012

Help Yourself!

Here is some holiday food for thought

Here We Go Again

Here's Why Panic is Not Your Friend

Hey Analysts - What Were You Thinking?

Higher Interest Rates = Good News?

HIRE Act Gives Incentives and Awards

History Repeats (or at least rhymes)

Ho ho ho....

Hoarders: Corporate Style

Holiday Feasts Aren't Getting Cheaper.

Home Stretch 2009

How Black is Their Friday?

How Do You Know?

How do you like them apples?

How Much is Too Much?

How much money do you need to retire?

How much risk should I take?

How to Invest During an Election

How to Monetize Your Heirlooms

How to Read a Stock Research Report

How to Sell an NFL Team.

HP & Ethics

If You Are Over 50


In It to Win It

Income Insurance

Increase Your Contribution Along the Way

Increases along the Frontier.

Inflation Expected to Cool Off in Coming Months

Invest in Your Child's Future with a 529 College Savings Plan

Investing in a Recession

Investing in Bitcoin… Caveat Emptor

Investing: Put your best foot forward

Investing vs. Paying Off Debt: Which one is right?

Investors Reach a Decision

IPO's - When to Buy?

IRS adjusting many dollar limits and benefits

IRS will be delaying the start of the 2014 tax filing season

Is Cash Trash?

Is it still possible to retire in 2023?

Is it time to cut your college kid loose?

Is there a "Bond Bubble" - Part 2

Is There a "Bond Bubble"?

Is there a doctor in the house?

Is this 2010 or 1994?

Is This the 1930's?

Is your 401k as healthy as you are?

Is Your New York State Pension Enough to Retire?

Is Your Stomach Upset?

It Got Me Thinking...

It is never too late to start saving for retirement

It Will Not End Well

It's Electric

It's the most wonderful (busiest) time of the year

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

It's Your Money - Ten Steps to Financial Freedom


January 2022 and Market Volatility

Jargon, Big Words, and Wasting Your Time

John Pomeroy of Franklin Templeton Visits Brighton Securities

July 15 Tax Deadline For 2019 Returns And 2020 Estimates: Save For Retirement & Save On Taxes

July 2020 Newsletter

Just Curious

Just Do It!

Keep Calm and Carry On

Keep These Tips Ready as Market Volatility Continues

Keep Your Eyes on the Road

Kicking the Hornet's Nest

Kids Will Be Kids

Kodak Bankruptcy Questions - Kodak Bankruptcy Answers

Kodak Emerges

Kodak Roundup

Kodak Rumors

Rumors and Trust, A Lesson From Kodak

Kodak Seeks to Reduce Retiree Health Care

Kodak Series: 5 Things To Know About KRIP (Kodak Retirement Income Plan)

Kodak Shareholders: Value in a Loss

Kodak Stock - What You Need to Know Now

Kodak vs. Collins Ink


Kodak's Apple Problem is Apple's Kodak Problem

Kodak's (Next) Day in Court

Kodak's Day in Court

Kodak's File Cabinets

Kodak's Good News

Kodak's Latest Layoffs: One Short

Kodak's Next 60 Days

Leading By Example

Lean In

Legacy Planning with Retirement Accounts

Lemmings of Wall Street

Lesson learned from Joe-Pa


Life after the Mall

Life Insurance: How much do you really need?

Life's Two Certainties: Dentists and Taxes

Lifestyle Inflation: Your True Cost

Like It's 1999

Living and Leaving a Legacy

Local Acquisitions

Local Economy Looks Bright with the 2023 PGA Championship in Rochester, NY

Local on Local

Local on Local

Local on Local

Logistics: The Grinch That Stole Christmas, For Some...

Long-term Care Planning & Family Dynamics: What does this mean for Women?

Looking Ahead

Looking Up

Low Rates Mean What?

Lower Mortgage Payments and Why That Might Not be a Good Thing

Made in America

Magic Numbers?

Main Street is still struggling. We think?

Making Stuff - Like Money

Managing the Transition

March of the Obscure

Markets to Washington: Drop Dead

Maximizing Your Financial Future: A Guide to Revitalizing Your Retirement Plan in 2024

Maxing out your savings

Medical Marijuana Stocks, should you or shouldn't you?

Medicare Part B 2010

Medicare Part B Beware

Meet Amy Jewell!

Meet Coryn Herrema!

Meet Douglas Hendee!

Meet Jodie Borlaug!

Meet Roxanne Harmon!

MF Global, Chemists or Criminals?

Midterm Elections and What to Watch in Market Moves

Mileage rates boost

Millennials and Student Loans

Millennials and Their Money

Mixed News on the Local Front

Monday Roundup

Monday Roundup

Monday Roundup

Money Will Always Flow Toward Opportunity

Monthly Minutes 11.31.20

Monthly Minutes 9.1.20

Monthly Review & Outlook - September 2013

More Kodak Tea Leaves

More Power to You

Mr. Bernanke, Please Relax

Mr. + Mrs. = Student Loans?

Mr. Potato Head & Friends

Much to Live on and Much to Live For

Municipal Bonds May Be Good For Your Portfolio

My Big Fat Greek Bailout

My Big Fat Greek Default?

Navigating Sensitive Conversations: A Guide for Adult Children and Aging Parents

Need a Boost of Energy?

New Law in New York Protects Shoppers from Hidden Credit Card Fees

New Tax Legislation Will Extend Tax Provision That Expired In 2009

New Year Predictions - Fact vs. Fiction

New York State STAR exemption

New York State's Hunger Games

Newest Trend in Scamming: Taxes

Newlywed Finances: For Better or For Worse

News Bites

News Flash: M&T Bank reports sharply higher earnings.

News, Perceptions and Investing Success

Next Week: Five Rules to be Ready for Retirement

No 401(k)? No Problem

No Excuse!

No Peanuts for British Airways' Flights

Not Just for Year End

Not started on Retirement Savings?


Nothing Worked


O Canada

Occupy State Street?

Ocean of Opportunity

Of Boots and Oil

Oil, Gas, & National Economic Development

On Kodak

On Optimism

On Principle

On The Brink

On the chopping block...

One Delicious Apple for Shareholders

ONE MORE WEEK........... (need more time?)


One Year Later

Our Team is Growing!

Our US Dollar

Out on a High Note

Over one billion served and counting!!

Packers & Punxsutawney

Palm on the Move

Pay tax now, reap the benefit later

Pay Yourself First

Paying For College?

Payroll withholding in 2010

Peace of Mind

People + Numbers

Perspectives As We Start The New Year

Perspective from the Checkout Line

PGA Championship: More Than a Golf Tournament.

Phone Wars

Planning for Incapacity: Four Essential Documents

Planning for Retirement in Stages

Planning for Retirement in Stages

Playing the Powerball Odds?

Political Risk: United States

Press Release: Brighton Securities Welcomes New Chief Compliance Officer Michelle Fisher

Prince's Fortune- What NOT To Do

Protecting your Assets

Purchasing What You Know

Q1 2021 Newsletter

Quit your whining and take some accountability

Quite a Week.

Raising Financially Intelligent Children

Re-defining "Value"

Ready Rule #1: Spend a Little

Ready Rule #2: Be Realistic

Ready Rule #3: Treat Your Assets Like Your Career

Ready Rule #4

Ready to Roll?


Reasons to Roll

Rebalancing: How Much is Too Much?

Recent Federal Reserve Update: What It Means for You

Red Delicious: Apple

Reducing Our Debt

Regulation Contemplation

Remember Henry?

Remember Your Owners

Remember Your Time Frame:

Retirees on Required Distributions: Upcoming Repayment Deadline

Retirement and 3 Major Risks

Retirement? No, it's Back to School!

Retirement: The Long Weekend

Retirement's New Frontier

Retiring in a Down Market

Retiring soon? Consider paying off your mortgage first.

Return on Investment, or Paying to Hide Out?

Reviewing Rochester’s Public Companies

Reviewing Rochester’s Public Companies


Risky Business

RMD questions

Rochester's Luck

Room to Run

ROTH IRA conversion strategies for 2010


Russian Roulette...?

Saving For College? Try a 529

Scam Alert


Secure Act 2.0 | Changes to your Retirement Savings

Self-directed IRA - "Investor Alert"

Self-Improvement Gets a Head Start in 2012

Selling at the Right Time

Senate-passed health reform bill: Who's paying for the cost?

Seniors can reap tax benefits even without itemizing

Shaking Up Wall Street.

Short Squeeze

Should I Invest in 2015?

Should you really look at a new Medicare plan?

Shred Day This Week!

Shred Day!

Simple, Effective, and Necessary

Sinking Under the Weight of Copper

Smarter Than a Sixth-Grader?

So Says Dr. Bob

Social Security Benefits........someday?

Social Security changes for 2012

Social Security Recipient And Looking To Buy An Island? Good News!

Socialism, Brought to You by the Free Market

Some Perspective

Sometimes All That Glitters is Shampoo


Speaking Volumes

Spend or Save?

Spin-Offs: What they mean and why they occur

Spring Forward in 2024

Stagnant Earnings.

STAMPing Out Our Future

Standing On Our Own Two Feet

Start Investing Earlier: Waiting until your 30's to start saving for retirement comes at a great cost.

Starting Late

Starting Small Can Pay Off Big

State of the Firm

State of the Firm

Stock 101: International V. Emerging Markets

Stock Market 101: What are Growth and Value Stock

Stocks to Punt

Stop Making Excuses!

Strategic Investment Approaches with 10-Year Yield at 5% With A Look at Unique Bull Market Factors

Strong in Theory, Potentially Flawed

Student Loan Cancellation and Updates to PSLF for Non-Profit, Government and First Responders. Does this apply to you?

Student Loans

Success in Retirement is Not Luck

Summer weddings...and the IRS




SURPRISE! Social Security Is Changing


Sweet & Sweeter


Sweeter Yet

Swing for Singles


Take advantage if time is on your side

Take profits in 2010?????????

Taking a Step Back in Time.

Taking the TARP off the Field.

Talk is Cheap

Tangibles vs Intangibles

Tax Audit Concerns...Maybe

Tax bite still up in the air

Tax Changes Affecting Individuals In The 2010 Health Reform Legislation - Part I

Tax Cuts vs. Refunds – There’s a Difference!

"Tax Deduction" Trickery

Tax filing delays

Tax Free Bonds? Step Carefully.

Tax Free Savings While You Work: Roth 401(k)

"Tax Loopholes"

Tax Procedures

Tax Relax

Tax Season Draws to an End

Taxes and Our Economy

Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS)

Team Brighton to Run in Support of Ovarian Cancer 5k on Sept 7th

Ten Steps to Financial Freedom - Step #2

Ten Steps To Financial Freedom - Step #3

Ten Steps to Financial Freedom - Step #4

Ten Steps To Financial Freedom - Step #5

Ten Steps to Financial Freedom - Step #6

Ten Steps To Financial Freedom - Step #7

Ten years ago:

Thank You

Thanks Meredith!

Thanks to Our Team

Thanksgiving Gratitude from Brighton Securities: A Message of Thanks

Thanksgiving Wishes

Thanksgiving Wishes

Thanksgiving Wishes

Thanksgiving Wishes

Thanksgiving Wishes

That Time of Year...

The 18 Million Dollar Man

The $280 Million Dollar Question

The Appeal of a 'Micro retirement' and Its Financial Risks

The Aspirational Investor

The Bankers of Venice

The Battle for 10,000

The Biggest Threats to Your Retirement

The Bills Keep Coming...

The Bond King's Latest Advice

The 'Brexit' Leave Vote

The College Investment

The Cost of a Dozen Hot Wings

The Cost of Spider-Man: More Than a $10 Ticket

The Crash That Was

The Devil You Know

The Economic History of the World

The Economics of Bank Transfer Day

The Effects of Interest Rate Hikes and Your Portfolio

The fall of Credit Suisse. But what about First Republic?

The Fed - Minutes From FOMC

The "Fed"

The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation's Bet Against Homeowners

The Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates by 0.75 percent

The Flow of Funds

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

The Giving Season

The Government-Financial Complex

The Harvest

The Hess Truck's back and it's better than ever!

The Importance of Emotional Detachment

The IRS has released its updated Publication 17 (Your Federal Income Tax) for use in preparing 2009 returns.

The IRS is getting "Social"......

The joys (tax) of parenthood

The Markets Are Too High...

The Methadone Economy

The Middle East and Financial Markets

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

The most troublesome tax law change of 2010

The new deal on energy credits

The Patient Is Getting Worse

The Perception of Safety

The Power of Tax-deferred Investing

The Power of Tax Deferred Investing

The Power of the Dividend

The Price of Gold

The Price of Oil - The Good & the Bad

The Punchbowl Stays

The Quarter

The Roth IRA

The "Santa Claus" tax deduction paradox


The Signs I Missed

The stock market climbed higher and higher and higher...

The Super Bowl Indicator

The Sweetness of America and You

The Test of Time

The Tin Cup Brigade

The Training Wheels Are Off

The True Cost of Cash

The Ugly Cousin.

The Wade Group April 2024

The Wade Group - January 2020 Newsletter

The Wade Group - October 2024

The Wealth Gap--or is it the Stock Gap?

The Week Ahead

The Year & Decade Past

Then and Now

There is a Difference Between Loving a Company and Loving That Company's Stock

There's Still Time (Just Not Much)

They're From the Government, and They Have Stock to Sell

Things that won't change in 2010.

Think About Taxes Before Year End

Think Pink!

Thinking Outside of the (Packaging) Box

This is how Congress spends its time ?

This just doesn't sound right...

Thoughts about the Recent Market Turmoil

Three Years Ago Today

Time For A Check-Up?

Time for the Results

Time for your annual check-up

Time to look at 529 Plans

Time to review Social Security

Tips for Creating - and Sticking to your Budget

Tips for Financial Security

Tips from the Oracle of Omaha.

Tis the season to be gifting....

Tis the season!

To Governor Paterson: Resign.

To Young Savers: Consider a Roth

Today's Kodak Hearing

Today's News and Yesterday's.

Touchscreen Progress Slows

Traffic jam ahead for home buyer credit.......

Traveling to Europe? Your trip just got less expensive...

Trump, Tariffs & Trade

Trust Talk Part I

Trust Talk Part III

Tues afternoon- Durable Power of Attorney

Turbulence or Smooth Sailing?


The Pandemic Ignited a Housing Boom—but It’s Different from the Last One. Two perspectives on the current state of the residential housing market.

U.S. Treasury and The Fed

UIT What?

Ukraine? Didn't you mean Migraine?

Unclaimed Funds

Under the Radar

Understand Your Target Date Funds

Understanding Apple

Understanding Dividend Stocks

Unemployment falls to six-year lows

Unlocking Shareholder Value

Update: Apple as an Income Stock

Viewing The Future

Volatility and its Returns

Vote Early & Often

Wade Group October Newsletter - Election Edition

Waiting for 11,000

Waking Up to A Raise

Wall Street Rumors

Want to See What an $1,200,000 Office Renovation Looks Like?

Washington, Albany, and Athens.

Watch Out Marlboro.

Watch What They Do...

We Are The (Your Percentage Here)

We Give Thanks

We Haven't Seen this Since March of 2000

Wednesday Roundup

Wednesday Roundup

Weight Loss and Financial Planning - They Go Hand in Hand!

Welcome Aboard!

Welcome Back GM

Welcome to our Brighton Securities blog!

Welcome to Our New CEO

Welcome to Our New (Old) Neighbors

Welcome to Brighton Securities

Well Worth a Brief Read

We're Going West

We're Team Brighton

What AAA Means

What About Gold?

What BP means.

What Changed with Your Cable?

What do the increasing interest rates mean for your bottom line?

What do you do with your bonus?

What does a “Strong” Dollar mean for your wallet?

What does success mean to you?

What Goes Around

What Goldman Did

What Happens to My Retirement When I Die? Legacy Planning for Retirement Accounts

What He Really Means

What IPO means to YOU

What is a Mutual Fund?

What is a Safe Investment? Part Four

What is a Safe Investment? Part One.

What is a Safe Investment? Part Three

What is a Safe Investment? Part Two

What is a Safe Investment?

What is going on with Inflation?

What is my filing status on my tax return?

What is "TOD"?

What Is Your Resolution?

What Rochester Read in 2014

What should you do with your Tax Refund?

What to expect from Social Security in 2018

What to Toss, What to Keep

What would you do with $4.2 billion?

What’s Happening to Bonds, and Bond Funds?

What's Pushing Markets Lower?

What's the Deal with Interest Rates?

What's Trending With Team Brighton

When a Billion is Not Enough

When a Loved One Dies

When Good News is Bad News

When is the last time you had an "Insurance Check-Up"?

When it comes to saving... how much is too much?

When Kodak Listens

When Nobody Loves You

When The Clock Strikes 12

When there is economic news, we are there with answers.

When to Start

When would my dependent child be required to file a federal tax return in 2009?

Where are the Shareholders' Bonuses?

Where Is Your Savings?

Where to Get a Trillion Dollars

Where to Get Income in a Sideways or Rising Interest Rate Environment

Where's My Refund?

Which brands do you frequently buy?

Who Do You Trust?

Why a Bailout in Cyprus May Mean Lower Mortgage Rates in Rochester

Why Mumbai Matters

Why the Saudis Want Low Oil Prices

Why Use An Advisor At All?

Why Wait?

Will They Ever Come to a Decision on Estate Tax?

Women Need Financial Planning

Working in Retirement: What's Your Plan?

Working Overtime

Year End Tax Planning - Post 1 of 4

Year End Tax Planning - Post 2 of 4

Year End Tax Planning - Post 3 of 4

Year End Tax Planning - Post 4 of 4

Yelping Clients are Good for Business

Yes, Captain--you do have to pay taxes on those gifts.

You Cannot Solve a Debt Problem with More Debt

You, Inc.: Getting Ready for Self-Employment

You're a Parent - Now What?!?!

You're Getting a Raise!

You're Invited: Kodak Retirement Benefits Forum

You're Invited: Open Forum Tonight on Kodak Bankruptcy

You've Started...Now Where to Start

Zillow and Your Prescription

Brighton Your Knowledge

Capital Management


Available Positions

Client Service Associate (CSA) Rochester, NY | Brighton Securities

Financial Advisor Development Program

Experienced Hiring

Financial Advisor Development Program Batavia, NY | Brighton Securities

Financial Advisor Development Program Rochester, NY | Brighton Securities

Operations & Compliance Associate

Client Login



Business Continuity Disclosure Policy


Order Routing Practices


Estate & Trust Planning 101

Special Olympics 24th Annual Rochester Polar Plunge

FeBREWary Beer Tasting Walk with Brighton Securities

Understanding Roths 101

You’re Worth More: Mastering the Art of Negotiation

Total Solar Eclipse: BrightOn BrightOff

15th Annual CURE Childhood Cancer Association Family-Friendly 5k and Fun Walk

Long Story Short: Women's Stories Matter

15th Annual Brighton Securities Shred Day

Brighton Securities 14th Annual Free Rochester Shred Day!

13th Annual Free Shred Day

13th Annual Brighton Securities Shred Day

Brighton Securities 12th Annual Free Batavia Shred Day!

11th Annual Free Shred Day

10th Annual Free Shred Day!

Seniors Against Scams

Business Made Social: Genesee Valley Club

Financial Strategies for Caregivers of Loved Ones with Memory Impairment

Batavia Concert Band - Summer Nights: Sponsored By Hicks Wealth Management at Brighton Securities

Alzheimer's Association & The Elderwood's 5th Annual "The Longest Day" Golf Tournament

C.U.R.E Childhood Cancer Association 8th Annual Patrick Carr Memorial Golf Tournament

Batavia Concert Band - Summer Nights: Sponsored By Brighton Securities

The Center for Youth 3rd Annual Driving Change Golf Tournament

Batavia Concert Band - Summer Nights: Sponsored By Brighton Securities

Batavia Concert Band - Summer Nights: Sponsored By Brighton Securities

The 15th Annual Recipe for a C.U.R.E. Sunday Brunch

Brighton Homecoming Celebration

Medicare 101 - Let's plan!

Investing in Inflationary Times

IHeart Radio Presents: Seniors Against Scams

Seniors Against Scams

Empowering Your Wealth Mindset: Emotions, Insights, and Strategies

Fashion Week of Rochester: INSPIRE

Fashion Week of Rochester: CELEBRATE

Fashion Week of Rochester: ELEVATE

Seniors Against Scams - Henrietta Senior Center

Seniors Against Scams - Peregrine Crimson Ridge Meadows

Holidays in the Hamlet

12th Annual Free Shred Day!

2024 Genesee County Home Show

3rd Annual Valor Cup Invitational

Ask The Experts

Brighton Securities & Rochester Women's Network: Meet & Mingle

Brighton Your Knowledge

Empowering Your Wealth Mindset: Emotions, Insights, and Strategies

Investing in Inflationary Times

Navigating Job Changes: Financial Strategies for Short-Term Stability & Long-Term Financial Planning

Medicare Basics: Understanding Your Coverage Options

Investing in Inflationary Times

Medicare Basics: Understanding Your Coverage Options

College Savings 101: Secure Your Child's Future Education

Demystifying Roths 101: Maximizing Your Financial Future

Empowering Your Wealth Mindset: Emotions, Insights, and Strategies

Snowbird Flight Plan: Navigating Retirement Risks Between New York & Florida

Marketing Volatility: Keep Calm, Navigate, & Plan Ahead

Retire Right: Shatter Retirement Myths, Embrace Financial Freedom

Retirement Savings 101: Roth vs. Traditional 401(k)

Seniors Against Scams: Empower Seniors To Recognize When They Are Being Targeted

The ABC’s of 403(b): Understanding Your Retirement Plan for Educators and Non-Profits

The Power of Roths: Maximizing Your Financial Future

Genesee County Chamber of Commerce Presents: Business After Hours at Brighton Securities 2023

Medicare 101 - Let's Plan!

Seniors Against Scams

Rochester Business Journal's Virtual Panel Discussion: Planning for Retirement/Wealth Management

Brighton Your Knowledge


What Are the Benefits of Long-Term Care Insurance?

How Does Health Insurance Work in Retirement Before You Are Medicare Eligible?

Should You Have Disability Insurance?

Who Needs Life Insurance?

Who Should Have Life Insurance?

Why Should You Have Life Insurance?


Compound Interest Really is The 8th Wonder of the World

How to Handle Investments During a Downturn

Mutual Fund vs. Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

What is a Bond?

What is a Mutual Fund?

What is a Stock?

What is Day Trading?

Why Trust an Advisor Over Doing it Yourself?


Best Advice We Can Give

What is an Example of “Giving Yourself a Raise” With Regard to Savings?

I Have Some Extra Money. Should I Invest or Pay Down Debt?

Pay Yourself First

Retirement Account Contribution Limits

What is an Emergency Savings Fund?


Tips for Reducing Your Taxable Income

What are the Tax Benefits of a ROTH IRA?

What Are the Tax Benefits of an IRA?

Traditional IRAs vs. Roth IRAs

The Value of Using a Tax Advisor

What Should You Do With Your Tax Refund?

In The News

Middle Market Investment Banking

January 2022 and Market Volatility


Batavia Office

Lockport Office

Rochester Office




Press Releases

Brighton Securities Announces 2,000 Sq ft Facility Expansion

Brighton Securities Announces 2020 Democrat & Chronicle Rochester Top Workplaces Ranking

Brighton Securities Announces 2020 Rochester Chamber Top 100 Ranking

Brighton Securities Announces New Brand Positioning and Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce Top 100 Nomination

Brighton Securities Announces New Hires and Formation of The Hicks Wealth Management Team

Brighton Securities Announces New Partner

Brighton Securities Announces New Shareholders

Brighton Securities Announces Opening of Lockport, NY Office, and New Hires

Brighton Securities Announces Partnership with Cal Willis Wealth Management

Brighton Securities Announces Partnership with Crossed Pines Wealth Management

Brighton Securities Announces Partnership with Liberty Financial Solutions

Brighton Securities Announces Partnership with Southern Tier Financial

Brighton Securities Announces the Acquisition of Worth Considering, and the Creation of Brighton Securities Capital Management

Brighton Securities Celebrates 50th Anniversary

Brighton Securities Celebrates 55th Anniversary and Years of Excellence in Financial Services

Brighton Securities Celebrates the Exceptional 46 Year Career of Senior Client Service Associate, Marge Geyer

Brighton Securities Chairman George T. Conboy Named to Rochester Business Journal's 2023 Power 100

Brighton Securities Chairman George T. Conboy Named to Rochester Business Journal's 2024 Power 100

Brighton Securities Hires Chief Growth Officer and Expands New Paths for Employee Career Growth Opportunities

Brighton Securities Hires Compliance Manager

Brighton Securities Hires Deanna LaPier as a Financial Advisor

Brighton Securities Hires Financial Advisor

Brighton Securities Hires Investment Banking Analyst

Brighton Securities Hires New Financial Advisor

Brighton Securities Hires Operations Associate

Brighton Securities Hires Senior Client Sales Associate

Brighton Securities in Partnership with Ethan Wade, Chuck Wade & SUNY Brockport Announces the Foundation of the Wade Investment Fund

Brighton Securities is Named a Winner of the 2024 Top Workplaces Rochester

Brighton Securities Is Poised for Strategic Growth and Announces New Board Member, Director of Training and Development, and Leadership Team Members

Melissa Hawryschuk Named to RBJ's Power 30 for Banking & Finance

Brighton Securities Named 2024 Rochester Business Journal's Reader Rankings Winner for Best Wealth Management

Brighton Securities Named as 2022 Best of the Best Investment Firm in Democrat & Chronicle’s Community Choice Awards

Brighton Securities selected as the Top Workplace in Rochester by Workplace Dynamics

Brighton Securities Statement Concerning Covid-19 (Coronavirus)

Brighton Securities to Participate in the 2016 Literacy Volunteers Brain Game

Brighton Securities Welcomes New Chief Executive Officer Melissa Hawryschuk

George T. Conboy, Chairman of Brighton Securities, named as a 2023 Rochester Business Journal ICON Award Honoree

Jordan Daniels Named to Rochester Business Journal’s 2024 Forty Under 40 Honorees

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Names Brighton Securities A Winner Of The Rochester Metro Area Top Workplaces 2023 Award

The Wade Student-Managed Investment Fund Completes First Year at SUNY Brockport School of Business and Management


Leading-edge Wealth Management Services in Rochester

Business & Corporate Services

Trusted Estate Planning

The Financial Planners Rochester NY Trusts

Insurance Advisory That Suits You

Personal Savings That Grow With You

Tax Services

Meet Team Brighton

Board of Directors

Thomas Abbott

Client Service Associates

Financial Partners

Charles Wade

Clara Sanguinetti

David Peartree, J.D. CFP®

Deanna Gutta

Doug Hendee

Ethan Wade

Gary Michaels

George T. Conboy

Jacob Chen

Jennifer M. Snyder

Joseph O’Hare

Melissa Talarico

Michael Restivo

Nicholas E. Fischer

Robert Kravetz

Salvatore Fasciano

Samuel DiNorma

Scott Huntington

Steve Hicks

Tim Fenity

Todd W. Alexander

Tonya Huntington

Troy Nelson

Victoria L. Tabor

Independent Affiliates

Leadership Team

Jordan Daniels

Katiya Meloni, CPA

Lori Alberts

Melissa A. Hawryschuk

Steve Kunkle

DRJ Planning & Wealth Management

Hicks Wealth Management

The Wade Group

Support Team

Amy Sherman

Bridgette Conrow

Christina Gregory

Christina Pintar

Christyna Blood

Dianne Bell

Jeanine Drake

Josh Gilbert

Julie Gullo

Danielle Lambert

Mason Buchholz

Michelle Mosgeller

Samantha Walker

Sarah Motyka

Shannon Andre

Tracy Cronk

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