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Should You Have Disability Insurance?

If you use your monthly paycheck to pay your bills, you’ll probably benefit from disability insurance.

Disability insurance replaces some of your income if you’re unable to work for some time due to illness or injury. The policy will cover you for a few months or even years, depending on the type of disability insurance policy you have.

So, if you suffer an accident or develop an illness that stops you from earning a living, disability insurance helps to ensure you have enough money to cover those essential living expenses such as:

  • groceries
  • loan repayments
  • mortgage payments
  • utilities

If you’re unsure whether you need disability insurance, think of it this way. Anyone can develop a condition that stops them from working, whether it’s for a few weeks, months, or longer. Unless you can afford to cover your long-term expenses without working, consider disability insurance.

Finally, even if you already have disability insurance through your employer, it’s worth checking to determine whether the policy is sufficient to cover your family’s expenses if you can’t work. If it’s not enough to cover your expenses, you may consider taking out more disability insurance.

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