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A larger tax break if you have children in College

Published December 30, 2009 7070 Views

My daughter's home from college for the holidays but unfortunately the Vassar bursar's office doesn't extend the same break to me when it comes to paying tuition! However, the American Opportunity Credit (which was introduced as part of the stimulus package) has replaced the previously-offered Hope...

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Municipal Bonds May Be Good For Your Portfolio

Published December 30, 2009 6452 Views

If your investment portfolio consists of only equities, you may want to diversify. Stocks and other equity securities are an important part of your investment mix, but you may also want to consider some fixed income investments like municipal bonds. These will not only provide you with federal- and,...

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Coca-Cola in the Congo: Looking ahead in the post-recession global economy

Published December 29, 2009 6489 Views

It is probably fair to say we've moved beyond the bear market. With the benefit of hindsight, it is common sense to ask: would we have done anything differently? For my part, it's difficult to say with any conviction that I would have. I bought stocks for clients that I thought were strong but prove...

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A Not-So-Trivial Pursuit for Families this Holiday Season

Published December 29, 2009 6872 Views

It's that time of year again where families get together to enjoy each other's company, exchange gifts and eat too much. But often times after the last cookie is gone and the gifts are all unwrapped we find ourselves searching for the next conversation piece. Here is one suggestion: Consider taking...

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Senate-passed health reform bill: Who's paying for the cost?

Published December 28, 2009 6346 Views

It seems to me that the average taxpayer will be paying a sizable increase in federal taxes to prevent higher cost for health insurance. The Senate's passage on Christmas eve of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act sets the stage for the next difficult hurdle in passage of comprehensive h...

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Home Stretch 2009

Published December 28, 2009 6510 Views

Just four business days left in 2009: four days in which to book any gains or losses, four days for tax payments to get postmarked, four days for certain car buyers to get a tax break. The week between Christmas and New Years Day is often considered a "slow" week in many fields - a great week to enj...

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Ho ho ho....

Published December 24, 2009 6800 Views

The day before Christmas has brought us a modest "Santa Claus Rally" in the form of the Dow Jones Industrial Average closing up 54 points and hitting an inter-day high for the year. A pleasant place to be when contrasted with the same time last year: 2000 points below where we are today and facing...

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Be Prepared In Case You Are Suddenly Single

Published December 24, 2009 6937 Views

Here's a little advice for Tiger Woods in case he finds himself unexpectedly single... While the emotional element of losing a spouse is the first and hardest blow, an important next step is looking towards the future and assessing your financial situation. As a single person for the first time in...

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When would my dependent child be required to file a federal tax return in 2009?

Published December 23, 2009 6231 Views

If their only income is earned income (wages) and exceeds $5,700 a tax return is required. Although, if they earn less and have taxes withheld, a tax return would be required to claim a refund. If their only income is un-earned income (investment income) and exceeds $950 a tax return is required...

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Consider converting your IRA to a ROTH in 2010

Published December 22, 2009 6651 Views

2008 was not a good year for the market. Typically it is colder during the winter than in the summer. Ok - now that I'm done stating the obvious, what can we do about it? (Buy a coat?...No, not about that; about the market!) 2009 was a year of rebounding that saw the Dow Jones Industrial average cli...

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