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Deductible investment expenses??

Published February 24, 2010 7007 Views

What can be deducted as an investment expense on your tax return? Well, if you itemize your deductions, you can include investment expenses under miscellaneous itemized deductions on schedule A. Unfortunately, your miscellaneous itemized deductions have to exceed 2% of your adjusted gross income be...

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Remember Henry?

Published February 24, 2010 6897 Views

I first subscribed to The Wall Street Journal in the late 70's on a cut-rate student subscription. That was during the Carter administration and some things were going up, up, up. Problem was, those things were interest rates, inflation, energy prices, and gold. It was not a good time for investors,...

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Are You Ready To Retire? - Part 1 of 2

Published February 23, 2010 7008 Views

Deciding when to retire is one of the most important decisions you will make during the course of your life. It is one that should not be taken lightly or made hastily. Before you make the decision to call it quits and enjoy some well deserved relaxation, there are a few questions you should ask you...

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Cut Your 2009 Tax Bill - Here's How

Published February 22, 2010 6957 Views

Think that the time to plan for the 2009 tax year has come and gone? It's true that the door to almost all tax-saving moves for 2009 closed on Dec. 31, 2009. But there are still a few things you can do that will lower your 2009 taxes: Make regular IRA contributions. Contributions to traditional IR...

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Both Ways for the Banks?

Published February 22, 2010 7241 Views

By now everyone has heard and read plenty about the bad loans of the big banks, their trading against their own customers and bonds deals, and their collapses and near-collapses. The giant bailouts have been exhaustively chronicled as have the banks' robust rebounds. But the history of the last 30 m...

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Quit your whining and take some accountability

Published February 19, 2010 6571 Views

In the last issue of Vanity Fair, Goldman Sachs president Gary Cohn and CFO David Viniar stated that their company would have been better off without government assistance throughout the financial crisis. This was just days after a New York Times article stated that several top lieutenants each dum...

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Higher Interest Rates = Good News?

Published February 19, 2010 6639 Views

Late yesterday after US financial markets had closed, the Federal Reserve Bank announced that it will raise the discount rate by a quarter of one percent from .50% to .75%. The discount rate is what the Fed charges for short-term loans to banks. Overnight, stock and bond markets in Asia and Europe...

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Reasons to Roll

Published February 16, 2010 6517 Views

When an employee leaves his or her job, they have a couple of different choices on what to do with their 401(k): 1) They can withdraw the money and spend it as they please, but this comes with a heavy price tag. All the money that is taken out of the plan becomes taxable income that they will h...

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Greece, China, and Your Car.

Published February 12, 2010 6982 Views

What do those two countries have to do with the price we'll pay at the pump this weekend? Stay with me - I promise to keep it short. You already know that Greece is in financial trouble. Rumored rescues for the profligate Peloponnese helped send our stock market higher yesterday. But today there...

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The Battle for 10,000

Published February 11, 2010 6340 Views

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has been a standard by which to judge the US stock market for over a hundred years. As I write this the DJIA is up about 100 points to 10,134. Over the last week the average has dipped below then back above that magical 10,000 mark a number of times, inciting financi...

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