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Are You in Control of Your Financial Decisions?

Published January 7, 2010 7181 Views

This week's T.V. spot features the ladies of the Dolls N'Sense Investment Club. I had the privilege of meeting the group during filming and it's clear that these are smart and educated women with their own opinions about investing. It was great to learn more about the special relationship they have...

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Newlywed Finances: For Better or For Worse

Published January 7, 2010 6620 Views

The wedding is over, but your life as a couple has just begun. As a team working together for the first time, there are many adjustments you will have to make in the first year together. Of course, you must approach the small stuff like laundry duties and dishes, but one of your main priorities sh...

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Can I use my IRA to buy my first house?

Published January 6, 2010 6647 Views

Sure you can! If you have not owned a home over the past two years you can use up to $10,000 from your IRA account toward the purchase of a primary residence. If you use money from a traditional IRA, you must pay tax on the amount you withdraw, but no penalty will be due. If the money comes from...

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March of the Obscure

Published January 6, 2010 6880 Views

Lately there is much reading of tea leaves in attempts to determine the direction of the US economy. Are we in recovery? Still in recession? Or are we recovering only to suffer a "double dip", where we come up but then go back down? The answers are never obvious. To get a confident sense of dire...

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Planning for Retirement in Stages

Published January 5, 2010 6453 Views

While vacations and holidays typically provide a break for most of us, there is one big break ahead that's a priority on most everyone's calendar -- retirement. While it may be closer for some, we all should make sure we're financially prepared when the time comes to take a permanent day off! It's...

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Things that won't change in 2010.

Published January 5, 2010 6234 Views

The first decade of the 21st century is now behind us. To say that is was a bumpy ride would be an understatement. Overall the S&P 500 lost just less than 25% of its value over the 10 year period. Yesterday George blogged about the events that shaped the decade and as important as it is to know what...

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Will They Ever Come to a Decision on Estate Tax?

Published January 4, 2010 6522 Views

It was eight years ago when a law was enacted to briefly repeal the estate tax for individuals passing away in 2010 and then bring it back in harsher terms for those passing after 2010. Many of us thought that the current Congress would undo the impending repeal and permanently or temporarily keep...

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The Year & Decade Past

Published January 4, 2010 6425 Views

To start our new year and new decade let's take a look at where financial markets have been over the last 10 years: 2000: the top news story was the US presidential election which ended in a photo finish and was decided by the Supreme Court. The Standard & Poor's (S&P) 500 ended with a loss of 9% f...

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Are We Experts in You?

Published December 31, 2009 7074 Views

We've been getting a lot of feedback about the new T.V. spots and the most common is surprise over how we managed to "find so many actors" among our clients. None of the clients featured in the spots are professional actors, and none were given a script to read; the reason everyone seems so natur...

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Pay Yourself First

Published December 31, 2009 6650 Views

No matter how hard you try to avoid it, sometimes it seems like your day-to-day living expenses just eat away at your entire paycheck. Putting money away for the future may be the last thing on your mind. Even so, you need to remember that taking care of your longer-term financial goals is just as i...

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