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Are Some More "Equal" Than Others?

Published January 14, 2010 7337 Views

George Orwell's book "Animal Farm" is a satire of totalitarian governments. Totalitarianism invariably boils down to hypocrisy: someone is in charge and they will do as they please and fairness be damned. Though the animals in the story resolve that all are equal, gradually their seven commandment...

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Invest in Your Child's Future with a 529 College Savings Plan

Published January 14, 2010 6466 Views

I know I'm not the only parent groaning over the hefty check I have to write for my daughter's college education. With such high price tags, college degrees are not easy expenses to stomach. However, with the right planning, you can at least be prepared for one of life's most costly undertakings....

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Business owners - read this post!

Published January 13, 2010 6592 Views

There is a little known tax credit called the "Work Opportunity Credit." A business can claim a credit equal to 40% of the first $6000 of wages paid to employees of certain targeted groups. The two new targeted groups that have been added are unemployed veterans and disconnected youth. What the heck...

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Breaking News: Clowns Sent In.

Published January 13, 2010 7082 Views

It's bonus season on Wall Street and the heads of major banks are dreaming their dreams of 7- and 8-figure bonuses. Now I was able to count on my fingers and an 8-figure bonus comes to between 10 and 99 million dollars. I suppose that seems like chump change for banks which so recently were bailed...

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Aluminum and Chocolate

Published January 12, 2010 7455 Views

An odd combination and not one your dentist is likely to favor. On the NYSE today aluminum was headed down while chocolate was on the rise. This is the week when companies begin reporting their 4th quarter 2009 earnings. The first big name to do so was Alcoa, which announced late yesterday their bes...

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Have a Flexible Game Plan

Published January 12, 2010 6452 Views

It's time again for the NFL Playoffs. That means Peyton Manning throwing, LaDainian Tomlinson running, Larry Fitzgerald catching and the collective Buffalo Bills looking at a 9 iron from about 140 yards. Teams prepare hard all week based on what they do well, the opponent they're playing, and the co...

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The most troublesome tax law change of 2010

Published January 11, 2010 6481 Views

Many important tax changes go into effect in 2010. The changes are usually the result of various laws, regulations and other guidance issued over the past few years. The AMT exemption tax law change for 2010 for individuals should be a major concern for most. The alternative minimum tax (AMT) wil...

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Is this 2010 or 1994?

Published January 11, 2010 6923 Views

The older I get the more I think of the line "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme." Variously attributed to both Mark Twain and Will Rogers, today's news brings a degree of affirmation. If we step back twenty years, pundits "knew" the US was finished as an economic powerhouse. The Ja...

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Palm on the Move

Published January 8, 2010 6623 Views

Palm announced Friday that it will be selling Smartphone through Verizon Wireless, one of the world's leading cellular communication providers. This deal could mark the turnaround for the struggling handset maker, which has seen diminishing sales the past few years. Although this is a great opportun...

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Where are the Shareholders' Bonuses?

Published January 8, 2010 6571 Views

Today's wires bring news that Bank of America (BAC) expects to pay bonuses close to 2007 levels. You remember 2007 - that idyllic time when most Americans had not yet heard of sub-prime mortgages and believed that their banks were sound, even if they weren't convinced that their banker was doing "Go...

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