Benefit of the Doubt
Published April 10, 2017 7328 Views
What comes easy won’t last, and what lasts won’t come easy.” - Unknown
The strong first quarter of 2017 was the third in a row for stock markets. It might even be one of the most idyllic in decades. Not only was the S&P 500 up 5.5%, its daily price volatility was the lowest since the mid 1960’s,...
The Power of Tax-deferred Investing
Published April 6, 2017 6774 Views
With the loss of corporate pensions and concerns about the long-term viability of Social Security, most Americans expect to be personally responsible for funding their retirement to a degree unimaginable just a few generations ago. So the sooner you can start saving and investing, the better your chances for a secure retirement.
Legacy Planning with Retirement Accounts
Published February 23, 2017 7425 Views
The popularity and accessibility of retirement plans has resulted in Americans holding a significant portion of their assets in 401(k)s, 403(b)s, and IRAs. For many, these accounts represent the largest portion of their wealth outside of their homes. If you’re like most people you will likely need income from these accounts during retirement, or you may have accumulated sufficient other assets to sustain your lifestyle and wish to preserve your retirement assets for your heirs.
Newest Trend in Scamming: Taxes
Published February 15, 2017 7545 Views
Unfortunately, financial scams and identity theft are not only with credit cards and bank accounts, but they have expanded into taxes. Inevitably there are an unlucky few who are plagued with identity theft at tax time in a variety of ways. It is very important to be aware of phishing schemes and other potential ways that these criminals can get your personal information.
Dow beats 20,000…what about YOU?
Published January 26, 2017 7601 Views
On Wednesday, January 25, 2017, the Dow Jones Industrial Average passed a new benchmark: 20,000. This is a milestone investors have been waiting for since the fourth quarter of 2016. This milestone came on the heels of the NASDAQ also crossing its highest level in history on January 24th at 5,600. Now we are within striking distance of the S&P 500 index making history when it hits 2,300. While this is extremely exciting, at least the media thinks so, what does it mean for you?
Keep Calm and Carry On
Published December 8, 2016 7511 Views
The British World War II poster slogan “Keep Calm and Carry On” is internationally known by many and is often mistakenly attributed to Winston Churchill. While Churchill, the shrewd Prime Minister, would likely agree he did not actually pen the phrase they are simple words meant to endure the turbulent war times. However, I feel it is appropriate and prudent advice for investors as well.
Cows and Chickens: Xerox Deal Steams Ahead
Published November 14, 2016 7765 Views
George T. Conboy’s Cow and Chicken Theory describes our markets best: no matter what’s happening, in the morning the farmer goes to the barn. The cow still gives milk and the chicken lays their eggs. Despite all the chaos from the election, deals are still happening. Furthermore, the Xerox and Conduent deal will be coming to close within the next sixty days. According to the Democrat and Chronicle on November 8th, Xerox announced the details on their upcoming split into two separate companies.
Bugs Bunny Makes a Move
Published October 26, 2016 7313 Views
As reported by USA Today, on Saturday, October 22nd, AT&T and Time Warner made a deal which outlined AT&T to purchase the communications company for $85.4 billion. Details in the cash and stock deal include that AT&T will pay $107.50 per share of Time Warner whose service includes HBO, CNN, TNT, TBS, Warner Bros, Bleacher Report, theme parks, and a 10% stake in their premier streaming service Hulu. Bugs Bunny is making a move—and will likely settle into his new home by the end of 2017.
Aim for the Horizon
Published October 6, 2016 7498 Views
It is awfully common to hear clients talk about what they read or heard about investing, particularly the old “rule of thumb” about keeping equity exposure equal to 100 percent minus your age. So, if you are 70 years old 30 percent of the portfolio would be in stocks and 70 percent in bonds. My resp...
How to Invest During an Election
Published September 28, 2016 6777 Views
There is no doubt that the 2016 Presidential Election is getting a lot of press. With the first debate happening this week so many people are trying to watch the polls and figure out who will be our next leader. Of course the two candidates could not be any more different with their policies and ide...